1. Acquisition of Personal Information
We will acquire any personal information by lawful and fair means.
2. Management of Personal Data, etc.
We will endeavor to keep personal data accurate and up to date and to delete unnecessary personal data, to the extent required for achieving the purpose of use.
We will take appropriate information security measures against unauthorized access, computer virus and so on, in order to prevent loss, destruction, falsification and leakage of personal data.
We will take necessary measures to appropriately handle any anonymously processed information.
3. Use of Personal Information
Except as set forth in the Act, we will use personal information to the extent required for achieving the purpose of use.
If we intend to jointly use personal data with a third party or entrust the handling of personal data to a third party, we will conduct a thorough investigation of the third party and properly supervise them in order to have them maintain confidentiality.
We will ensure security control for the protection of personal data, and take all possible measures to prevent leakage of personal data.
4. Provision of Personal Data to a Third Party
Except as set forth in the Act, we will not provide personal data to a third party, without the prior consent of the owner of such personal data (“Owner”).
5. Responses to Requests for Disclosure, etc. of Personal Data and Complaints, etc.
We acknowledge that each Owner has the right to request for notice on, disclosure of, amendment to, addition of, deletion of, suspension of, removal of and suspension of provision to a third party (“Disclosure, etc.”) of the purpose of use under the Act with respect to its personal data, and we shall promptly respond to such request in accordance with the Act.
We will establish a service counter for complaints and contacts concerning the request for Disclosure, etc. and handling of personal information.
6. Organization/Structure
Under the chief privacy officer, we will appoint a person in charge of tasks related to personal information protection and implement appropriate management of personal information.
We will train our officers and employees regarding methods of protecting and properly managing personal information and thereby properly handle personal information on our daily business activities.
7. Formulation, Implementation, Maintenance and Improvement of Personal Information Protection Compliance Program
In order to carry out this Privacy Policy, we will formulate a Personal Information Protection Compliance Program (including this Privacy Policy, “Regulations for Protection of Personal Information” and other rules and regulations)(“Compliance Program”) and keep our officers and employees fully informed of, implement, maintain and continuously improve the Compliance Program.